Sunday, January 31, 2010

Genesee Reading Series

When: Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 7:30 PM
Where: Writers and Books
Who: Featuring Steven Huff and Ralph Black

Hosted by Wanda Schubmehl

From Wanda:

February - well, it's winter in Rochester, so you can be pretty sure of interesting weather. You can be completely confident that the Genesee Reading Series this month features two of the area's hottest writers - Steven Huff and Ralph Black. Please join us for a memorable evening!

Steven Huff is the author of two books of poems, most recently More Daring Escapes, and a collection of stories, A Pig in Paris. A Pushcart Prize winner in fiction, and an O. Henry finalist, his poetry has been read on Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac, and been chosen by Ted Kooser for American Life in Poetry. The former host of WXXI’s Fiction in Shorts, he is Director of Adult Education and Programs at Writers & Books, and teaches writing at RIT and the Solstice MFA Program at Pine Manor College.

Ralph Black’s poems have appeared in the West Branch, The Gettysburg Review and 32 Poems, among other journals. He is the recipient of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize from The Massachusetts Review. His first book, Turning Over the Earth, was published by Milkweed Editions. He teaches at SUNY Brockport, where he is Co-Director of the Brockport Writers Forum.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Voices from the NY Auburn Correctional Facility

From Pat Schwartz:

Dear Friends--

Please plan to join us at The Flying Squirrel Community Center at 285 Clarissa St, Rochester, next Sun, Jan 31st, 5 pm through 8 pm, for a special event. Free and open to the public.

We will be honoring the voices of the poets inside Auburn Correctional Facility with whom I have been working as a volunteer for almost nine years in a weekly poetry workshop.

We have had published 2 works: an anthology entitled, Doing Time to Cleanse My Mind: an Anthology from the Inmates' Poetry Workshop of Auburn Correctional Facility, 2001-2009, edited by Schwartz and Roche, foreward by Janine Pommy Vega, from FootHills Publishing and a chapbook, Guerillas in the Mist, and Other Poems, by Michael Rhynes (of Rochester, currently in ACF), Olive Trees Publishing.

Two more chapbooks are in the works, one by Jalil Muntaquim, and one a supplement to the anthology of this year's workshop poems, including some poets not in the anthology, both from Olive Trees, out by June.

Paulette is the emcee and organizer of this event on the 31st; reading from the poems will be myself, John Roche, Lori Nolasco, Paulette Swartzfager, Charlie Cote, Grace Flores, Reenah Goldeen, Jamal Golden, Vincent Golphin, Colleen Powderly, John Mourning, Will Wall, Betty Wynn, and Jerry Dillon.

There will be some soup and other refreshments afterward, then an open mic.

The books will be available for sale for the benefit of the inmates. If you buy a book, an inmate currently in the poetry workshop will receive a free book.. (The group has a lot of new guys now, and several are patiently waiting for their books, which we need to raise funds for, having given out all the books previously paid for by our sales).

Please pass this info on to other friends, and we sincerely hope to see you there!!

If you cannot attend, but would like to purchase books, contact me at

Peace and Poetry, Pat

Itinerant Artist seeking Rochester-area hosts for 2010

This sounds so cool!

Dear Friends,

My Itinerant Artist Project (IAP) – “exchanging art for hospitality across the USA” – turns 10 this year, and I’m celebrating with the first local version of the project, the Greater Rochester Community IAP.

I’m looking for volunteer hosts from diverse backgrounds. And I’m looking for hosts living in a representative range of places, from the rural outskirts of Monroe County to inner city neighborhoods.

This is how the project works: My host or host family puts me up for 2-3 days. During that time I make several small paintings based on the local surroundings. And I give one painting to my host in thanks for the food, lodging, and sociability. At the end I’ll exhibit the resulting artwork. To learn more about my project, check out the links*** at the end of this message, or e-mail me:

Hosting can occur anytime from March-November of 2010. All that is required is space (preferably a spare bedroom) and interest. I may have offers from more places than I can get to, but I would like to hear from anyone who is considering being a host.

If you have received this e-mail, please consider being a host AND please forward this message to anyone you know who might like to be a host. Reaching people I've never heard of is one of the more fun parts of this project.

Thank you! Jim Mott


This interactive blog introduces the 2010 Rochester IAP and will be frequently updated as the project progresses:

My main website with plenty of background info:

The Itinerant Artist Project on the NBC Today Show:

City Newspaper Rebecca Rafferty review of my recent IAP exhibit:

D&C Mark Hare column about my project